Should Kids in San Diego CA Have Chiropractic Care?
Should Children in San Diego CA Have Chiropractic Care?

It is understandable that a parent that has never received chiropractic care would be nervous about taking them to a chiropractor here in San Diego CA but take comfort in knowing that a chiropractor is doing more for your child than you could imagine!
Safety for Child Chiropractic in San Diego CA
To begin, I would like to emphasize how safe chiropractic care is. A study was performed with over 19,000 chiropractic patient. These patients received chiropractic adjustments to their necks and this medical study observed over 50,000 neck adjustments. The patients were examined to see if any serious side effects occurred. They defined serious as needing to go to a hospital because of worsening symptoms immediately following the adjustment as well as the possible development of pain or disability. This medical study received zero reports of any serious side effects of over 50,000 chiropractic adjustments to the neck. Another astonishing fact is that the average chiropractor pays $100 - $2,500 a year in malpractice insurance while the average medical provider pays $20,000 - $100,000 a year in malpractice insurance. This is because of the low risk of chiropractic. Safety for children is greatly increased because their bones are made of cartilage and their bones are more flexible than adults.
When to Start
It is never too early to start chiropractic care for your children. Many parents have their day old children adjusted by a chiropractor. Why? During the birthing process, it is estimated that 60 to 80 pounds of pressure is used on the cervical (neck) area. If there are difficulties than forceps or a vacuum may be used which can cause immediate and/or long term damage and side effects for your child if not taken care of. It is estimated that 95% of children are born with subluxations in their necks. Subluxations are spinal misalignments causing nerve interference. The earlier care begins, the better health your child can have.
To better understand why subluxations are there are some important small details to understand. The nervous system controls every single thing in your body and everything that your body does including blinking, breathing, a beating heart, bowel movements, swallowing food, thinking, talking, etc. Your spine protects your spinal cord which is the communicator between your brain and the rest of your entire body. If a subluxation occurs and a nerve is getting pinch or communication is cut off completely than things in your body start to go wrong. Therefore, your chiropractor does not just "move bones" and help aching necks and back but is the protector of your nervous system. Your chiropractor is not healing you but gives your body the ability to heal itself.
Subluxations can be causes of numerous conditions that may have all started developing from their very first subluxation following birth. Subluxations can lead to:
- Allergies
- Bedwetting
- Headaches/Migraines
- Constipation/Diarrhea
- Anxiety
- High Blood Pressure
- Jaundice
- Sinus problems
- Asthma
- Heart conditions
- Head colds
- Ear infections
- And much more!
What to Expect
When you take your child to a chiropractor an exam is going to be performed. It will be similar to an exam that a medical physician will perform but more thorough. Depending on the age of the child and medical history, X-Rays may be necessary for the child's safety. The doctor will adjust the child. If the child is younger you can expect the child to sleep very well that night. The average duration reported by parents is 9-11 hours. Also expect improved mood and behavior.
Call Biophysics Chiropractic today and see what kind of life you can offer your child!
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
8:30am - 11:00am
Biophysics Chiropractic
5820 Oberlin Dr #204
San Diego, CA 92121
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